Chiropractic Evaluation

Comprehensive Assessments for Your Spine and Beyond

At Archetype, we offer comprehensive chiropractic evaluations that encompass a detailed assessment of your musculoskeletal and nervous systems. Our experienced chiropractors employ a combination of hands-on techniques, therapeutic exercises, and lifestyle recommendations, including chiropractic care and nutrition advice, to help you achieve optimal health and wellness.

Whether you're experiencing back pain, neck pain, headaches, or other musculoskeletal issues, our chiropractic evaluation aims to identify the root cause without causing further discomfort. Over the course of your first two visits, our team will perform thorough assessments and necessary adjustments. On your third visit, we will use the information gathered to create a tailored natural healthcare plan that addresses your specific needs and helps you reach your full potential.

Chiropractic Evaluation
Our Philosophy

Holistic Approach to Wellness

At Archetype, we take a truly customer-centric approach to health, prioritizing our patients' needs, and working towards exceeding their expectations with high-quality services and personalized care. We believe in a holistic approach to wellness, integrating movement, nutrition, and mindfulness practices to support overall well-being.

We consider all aspects of a person's body when addressing health issues and work adjunct to conventional medicine by providing alternative treatments such as nutrition, exercise, meditation, and other mindfulness practices to empower individuals to take charge of their own health.

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I can't recommend Archetype enough.  Results say it all---20+ years of back and neck pain resolved.  Dr. John and his team addressed my issues with multiple treatment modalities and taught me how to maintain the good progress we made.  If you are hurting, go see them!

Our patient

Laura B.

I had chronic pain in my upper back for years.  Several doctors, therapists, & chiropractors without any relief until Archetype and Dr. John.  I'm grateful for their services and believe in what they do.

Our patient

Blake R.

I cannot not love Archetype more!  I have been a patient for nearly 6 years and I am still so happy with my treatment and experiences.The whole staff is exemplary.  Dr. John takes time to listen and does what is best for me and my body.If you need a chiropractor (and so much more), you should contact John and the team at Archetype.

Our patient

Natalie N.


You might find answers to your questions below

What is a chiropractic evaluation?

A chiropractic evaluation is a comprehensive assessment of your musculoskeletal and nervous system that involves a detailed examination of your body's alignment, posture, movement patterns, and joint mobility.

Who can benefit from a chiropractic evaluation?

Anyone experiencing musculoskeletal pain, stiffness, or discomfort can benefit from a chiropractic evaluation. It can also be helpful for people dealing with headaches.

What techniques do chiropractors use during an evaluation?

Chiropractors use a range of hands-on techniques, such as spinal manipulation, soft tissue therapy, and joint mobilization, to improve joint mobility and alleviate pain and discomfort. They may also recommend therapeutic exercises and lifestyle modifications to support overall health and wellness.

Is a chiropractic evaluation painful?

Chiropractic evaluations are generally not painful, although you may experience some discomfort during certain manual techniques or movements. Your chiropractor will communicate with you throughout the evaluation to ensure your comfort and safety.

How long does a chiropractic evaluation take?

The length of a chiropractic evaluation can vary depending on your specific needs and concerns. However, it typically takes between 30 minutes to an hour to complete the evaluation, which includes a comprehensive medical history, physical examination, and natural healthcare plan.

image of people practicing yoga

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Say goodbye to aches, pains, and limitations, and hello to a stronger, healthier, and more capable you. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and take the first step towards a better you.