Hip, knee, ankle, and foot pain usually originates in the same places. A skilled chiropractor or PT can mobilize the joints of the lumbar spine, sacroiliac joint, hip joint, knee, or foot. Typically the problem has evolved over time and has compensated movement patterns that are the cause of the discomfort. Muscle imbalance can also be the culprit, very often people are extremely tight on the front of their body and weak in the back. This is the main reason why we renovated Archetype was to have a facility to teach people how to move underweight and fix problems that plague people that are in pain.
If you choose a Chiropractor or Physical Therapist they have to:
#1 know how to manipulate the joints of the lower body proficiently
#2 work on extremities daily
#3 understand human biomechanics and daily habitual patterns
Most professionals look at problems with the human body as isolated events. This is wrong and they will not get rid of your problem. They will waste your time. Find the right doctor for your injury, stay away from surgery until you have gone through all of the correct mediums of fixing your problem naturally, “without surgery or drugs.” Also, understand the doctor you’re seeking out most likely will have a waitlist and might be expensive. Their skill level and success was and still is very expensive to maintain. You get what you pay for. Want cheap? Don’t expect a fix.
If you have any questions call us today at (205) 803-1234, we want to to help.