April 10, 2023

Foundation #5: Minimizing Toxins

Foundation #5: Minimizing Toxins



My name is Dr. John Palmer with Friends & Family Health Centers in Birmingham, Alabama. I'm one of the co-founders. Today I'm going to be talking about the fifth foundation of our 5 Foundations of Health, that we teach all of our patients and now we're getting to teach you guys.

So, the fifth foundation is a new aspect of health that we haven't necessarily paid attention to in the past 100, 150 years. So, its toxins, it's the elimination of them, it's just the exposure to them, it's the awareness that they exist. So, it's more so information, it's informative to stay within a certain guideline to have rules around what you put in your body. When you have something put in your body, you wanna make sure that it truly honors everything that you're trying to accomplish, in diet, energy, brain health, and longevity of where you're trying to go in your life.

The food colorings, hydrogenated oils, if you're eating things past a certain number of ingredients. If you have 150 or 100 or 25 ingredients in something, most likely there're some things you shouldn't be eating in there. Those are most likely toxins. Medicines, food colorings, I'm not telling you not to take medicine, it's more so the source of that it is not natural to your body, and your body having to filter it out, there are repercussions to that. So, you have to be aware of that, you can ask your doctor about that.

So, what's on every table in every restaurant that you go into? I can't say the names but there are three, usually, artificial sweeteners that are neurotoxins. So, they're going to affect the neurons, they're going to dumb down your brain. They don't allow you to lose weight, they allow you to gain weight, cause they're stored in fat. So, people have been misinformed about toxins, really in general. How many behavioral issues come at the expense of the man-made crap that we put into our bodies and our kid's bodies?

One thing that I've learned from this, is, through my own experience with my children, is that when they go to, for instance, a birthday party where I want them to be able to have that social event. It may come at the cost of them being exposed to certain things, like artificial candies, flavorings, cakes, hydrogenated oils, and high fructose corn syrup. I'm not trying to shelter them and make them crazy, in the sense of warding them off. I want them to know that they can eat those things, there are just repercussions to them. So, the same thing for you guys, you have to make your own decision. So, I can see a behavioral change. I can see a behavioral change and think about this, think about the mom that is not pregnant, she gets pregnant, she's eaten those toxins, she's eaten them probably her whole life, and then she builds a baby full of toxins, a body that is full of toxins. So, do you think that baby is gonna have a more optimal environment to build and exist, or are you gonna have a lesser ability for that to build and exist and have a healthy baby?

Since 1945, how many new chemicals do you think we have in our environment? 80,000. So, 80,000 new chemicals are in our environment. That didn't take into effect all the other chemicals we already had in our environment. The other new thing that you have to pay attention to is EMF waves. Like, I have it on my body, so I'm not saying don't do it, I'm just saying, be aware of how much you're exposed to it.

So, EMF reduces your blood vessels' ability to constrict and dilate. When you have something that is affecting that, it does negatively affect you. You have cell phones, you have WiFi, and all of those things matter. I'm not saying be paranoid about everything that you have in your environment, but all that I'm saying is, be aware. Limit it as much as possible. Eat organic, when you can. Make sure that you don't eat into those artificial things that we have available to us, that can sit on shelves for two to three years. We wanna make sure that you live as pure as possible in the significantly unnatural environment that we live in, in our world. I'm not saying don't go live in that environment, I'm just saying, be aware. Be conscious of what goes in your body regularly.

Another big one is plastics. I could talk a whole talk just on plastics. Get rid of your plastic ware. Get glassware to put your food in, when you have leftovers or something like that. So don't use plastics. We have a lot of... everything's made out of plastic. So the last thing that you need to do is put something hot in a plastic bowl and eat it. What do you think that's doing to your body? What do you think it's doing to your brain? What do you think it's doing to your liver? What do you think it's doing to your neurons? Do you think you're gonna be higher and more exposed and more inept to have cancer or not? So, most likely, if you take in plastics at a high rate, you're going to get cancer. There are a whole lot of other health issues that you can avoid if you just avoid unnatural things.

So, all that I'm saying, pay attention to what goes in your body. You don't have to be paranoid about it, you don't have to be crazy about it, but you do have to have a certain standard of what you're willing to settle for and what you're not.

So, thank you so much. Hopefully, you learned one thing from this and I look forward to helping in future videos. So, this completes our 5 Foundations of Health. If you're seeing this for the first time, make sure you check out the previous four. They all go together. The 5 Foundations have to be used as a whole. They're not a perfect system but they're a really good system to help people get well, help people work at an optimal level of health.


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